What Colour is Your Period Flow

menstruation Blood color in Sanitary pads has different meanings

What Colour is Your Period Flow

What Your Menstrual Blood Says About Your Health

When we menstruate, we sometimes have dark blood, and in some instances, it is much lighter. Have you ever wondered why your menstrual blood was a particular colour? Now is the time to learn about your period flow colour.

Here is a peek into the different colours of menstrual blood and the insights they offer on health.

1. Bright Red

If your period flow colour is Bright Red, this is the general or typical colour of period blood. It implies or means your flow is healthy and fresh. It may deepen in colour and appear dark red, maroon or even brown by the end of the period.

2. Black

While this is a fairly common colour of blood, it is definitely more uncommon than red. In most cases, old blood that has already dried up or clotted appears black in colour. In such a case, having black menstrual blood isn’t a cause for worry.

However, if black blood is accompanied by itching, burning or inflammation around the vagina, it might be indicative of potential problems. If this occurs, get it checked by your gynaecologist.

3. Grey

If your period flow colour is Grey, it is surely abnormal and signifies the likelihood of a bacteria or vaginal infection. If your blood is grey, ensure that you consult a gynaecologist at the earliest possible instance.

4. Deep Red or Maroon

Some people get alarmed at the sight of deep red, maroon, or brown blood. However, as mentioned earlier, this is fairly normal. This will likely come at the beginning and/or end of your bleed and signifies old blood. The change is colour occurs since the blood has already clotted.

In some cases, in early pregnancy, one may have a brownish discharge. Therefore, In such a case where pregnancy is suspected you need to consult your gynaecologist.

5. Pink

This colour occurs when the cervical mucus or white discharge mixes with the blood. Pinkish bleeding is extremely common among women who are on the pill or any other oral contraceptive. In some cases, pink bleeding occurs because of anaemia or other nutritional deficiencies. Hence, if you aren’t on the pill, but have pink bleeding, you should consider consulting a gynaecologist.

6. Orange

Like a pink period, this can be a combination of cervical mucus and blood. However, if it is accompanied by itchiness or burning in the vagina, it could possibly signal bacterial vaginosis.

The next time you get your period take note of the colour of the blood. The blood has a lot to say about your overall health and wellbeing.

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