How to Treat UTIs for normal and Pregnant Women?

Explaining the ways to treat UTIs

How to Treat UTIs for normal and Pregnant Women?

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are the most common infections that affect a vast population due to the development of bacteria in the urinary tract. Although it is a common infection, it could lead to recurrent infections as well as Chronic or permanent kidney damage. So, proper treatment and medical attention are must-needed things for UTIs.

UTIs are more likely to affect 50-60% of women who are adults. Yes, the chance for Urinary Tract infections rises with the increase in age. Women who are aged above 65 have two times the more chance to get diagnosed with UTI. Reports say, between 50-60% of adult women will be diagnosed with UTI at least once. In that, 27% of women have the recurring UTI within 6 months. So, seeking the best treatment for UTIs has become necessary.

Why are women mostly diagnosed with UTIs?

For women, the tube from the bladder is also known as the Urethra, where the urine flowing from the kidney to outside the body is thinner than the men’s urethra. This increases the probability of bacteria getting inside and infecting the woman’s body.

If you doubt that you have some infections, or abnormalities regarding the UTI, better reach out to the doctor and take the appropriate medications prescribed. Kindly look out for the symptoms given below to note them earlier and treat the UTI in the advanced stage.

What are the Symptoms of UTI?

Urinary tract infections are sometimes covertly infectious and show very low signs at an earlier stage. People might often misunderstand those signs and ignore them. However, one should never miss the following symptoms that indicate UTI,

  1. Cloudy Urine
  2. Urine with a strong odor
  3. A frequent or small amount of urine passing
  4. Constant urge to urinate
  5. Burning feel while urinating
  6. Change in color of urine
  7. Sign of blood while urinating
  8. Strong pain in the Pelvic region and pubic bone

are the symptoms to note to detect the UTI early and seek medical advice.

What are the types of UTIs and their associated symptoms?

Acute Pyelonephritis (Kidneys)

The UTI in the kidney can be fatal, painful, infectious that brings you to shake and chill. Acute Pyelonephritis comes with back pain or side pain adjoined with rising body temperature(fever), Nausea, and Vomiting. A UTI in the kidney is very crucial and can lead to permanent kidney damage.

Cystitis (Bladder)

If you get UTI in the bladder, you will feel immense pressure in the pelvic area and discomfort in the lower abdomen. You might also experience frequent painful urination and witness blood in the urine.


The urethra is a common UTI that occurs in most women. Leaving the UTI in the urethra unnoticed can lead to the bacteria spreading inside the bladder as well as the kidney. Commonly, UTIs in the urethra show a burning sensation while urinating and might have abnormal discharge.

Who treats Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)?

Initial stage or common Urethra UTIs can be treated by taking the antibiotics prescribed by professional gynecologists. However, in case of recurring UTIs and chronic kidney infections, you are recommended to seek Urologists, specialized in urinary disorders, or Nephrologists, specialized in kidney disorders for thorough examination.

How is the diagnosis for UTIs done?

Diagnosis of UTIs is followed by certain tests and procedures. It is not necessary to undergo every procedure to diagnose the UTI. The tests and procedures will be referred to based on the symptoms the patient has.

Analysis of urine sample

A simple urine test needs a sample of the patient’s urine to test the counts of red blood cells, white blood cells, and bacteria developed. You might be asked to clean the urinary part with antiseptic pads before collecting the urine sample.

Urine Culture in a lab

A urine culture is a growth of urinary tract bacteria in a lab to identify the bacteria that causes the infection within the patient’s body. This test also finds the apt antibiotics or drugs to get rid of the infection.

Scan Test

In case you have recurring UTIs, the doctor may prescribe you to have ultrasonic imaging, CT scans, or MRI scans. This helps to identify the infected areas and the structure of your urinary tract.


A cystoscopy is an imaging tool that helps to understand the Urinary Tract Infections from inside your body. This is performed by a long, thin tube with a capturing lens to examine your urethra as well as your bladder.

What are the major risk factors for UTIs?

The major risk factors lie as a reason for Urinary Tract Infections are,

  1. Sexual Activity-Although Urinary tract infections are not associated with Sexually Transmitted diseases (STDs), a person who tends to be sexually active has the chance to get infected by a partner who has UTIs.
  2. Menopause-The inactivity of estrogen circulation after menopause makes your urinary tract to be vulnerable to germs and bacteria.
  3. Being Female-As mentioned before, women have a smaller and thin urethra than men. So, the bacteria can easily reach your urinary tract and infect it.
  4. Types of Birth Control-Birth controls like spermicidal agents produce side effects that affect your vagina and cause irritation. This gives a vulnerable situation for bacteria to invade. Other than that, using diaphragms puts you at a greater risk of getting infections.
  5. Urinary Tract abnormalities – Urinary tract inabilities are the cases that mostly occur in infants or kids who hold the urine for a long time. This causes infection in the bladders and urinary tract, leading to UTIs.
  6. Low immune System-The majority of UTIdiagnosed patients are found to have diabetes and other related diseases. Diabetes lowers the immune system in your body that fights against the bacteria. So, the risk of UTIs increases.
  7. Urinary surgeries or tests-Any stitches after pregnancy or surgeries are open to infections. On the other hand, the usage of medical instruments while examining your body have a risk of forming infections.
  8. Blockages in the urinary tract-Enlargement of prostate or formation of kidney stones can block the urine flow and lead to infecting your bladder as well as urinary tract.
  9. Usage of Catheter-People who have neurological problems, or are hospitalized, have difficulty in urinating. So, they use a tube known as a Catheter to urinate. Any germs and infections in the catheter tube might cause infections and lead to UTIs.

Treatment of Simple Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics as the initial treatment for UTIs. The antibiotics will be based on the bacteria that affect your urinary tract after the examination. In the case of simple UTI infections, the symptoms will start to reduce quickly after the right medications. Even though, you are advised to take the complete medical prescription for a full recovery.

Ignoring the simple UTIs or improper taking of medications will lead to recurrent UTIs and other severe infections. Normally, doctors might recommend these antibiotics for treating simple UTIs,

  1. Fosfomycin (Monurol)
  2. Cephalexin (Keflex)
  3. Ceftriaxone
  4. sulfamethoxazole/ Trimethoprim (Septra. Bactrim, & others)
  5. Nitrofurantoin (Macrobid, Macrodantin)

The other high concentrated medications will not be suggested for simple UTIs as they have more risk factors than treating the infection.

Treatment for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections

Recurrent UTIs can occur even after taking medications for a previous infection. Usually, a recurrent UTI can be defined if it occurs in a threshold of 3UTIs within a 12 months span. The reason for the recurring UTI is bacterial persistence or bacterial reinfections. There is also a chance for different bacteria than the previous one to cause UTIs again.

To treat Recurring UTIs, doctors may recommend,

  1. Antibiotics for a long duration, i.e., for six months or longer
  2. Frequent treatment and diagnosis if the doctor is close by and available
  3. Vaginal estrogen therapy for patients who are in postmenopausal
  4. Medications to have after sex if the diagnosis proved the infection related to sexual activity.

Treatment of Severe Urinary Tract Infections

Severe infections of UTIs can impact your bladder as well as the kidneys, causing immense pain and irritation. So, doctors may propose some pain medications that relieve burning sensations, and pain while urinating. The medication numbs your bladder and urethra to feel less irritated. For treating such severe Urinary Tract Infections, you might be asked to get intravenous antibiotics along with further treatments.

Why are women diagnosed with UTIs during Pregnancy?

Hormone production in women is high during pregnancy. During pregnancy times, there are changes that occur in the urinary tract that pave the way to get infected easily. The hormonal changes can also cause a condition called vesicoureteral reflux, where the urine flows in reverse from the bladder to the kidney. These factors increase the chance of UTIs.

While you are pregnant, the uterus grows. The growth of the uterus presses the bladder and blocks the urinary tract, causing infections. Also, your urine is high in sugar, protein, and hormones during pregnancy, which can cause infections too.

Some major factors that develop UTIs in women during pregnancy are,

Escherichia coli and other bacteria- Bacteria are likely to enter your body through your rectum in case of lack of cleaning your lower body from front to back. E. Coli is the most common bacteria that affect your urinary tract, causing UTIs.

Group B streptococcus- This is a common bacterium that can be found in women’s vaginas and colon. These bacteria can be spread inside to cause UTIs and might also spread to the newborn during pregnancy. To avoid this, doctors may examine for UTIs in the 36-37th week of pregnancy. If you are found to be positive, the doctor will prescribe you antibiotics-IV to cure the infection.

Sexual Activity- Usage of anything that has bacteria during sexual intercourse can infect the urethra easily.

Treatment of UTI during Pregnancy

Simple UTIs can be easily rid of by antibiotics earlier. In almost 3 days, your symptoms might go. But we stress you to take the medications as per the doctor’s instruction for a full recovery. Doctors would suggest you a 3 to 7 days medication for simple UTIs and more for complicated ones.

Can treatment of UTIs cause miscarriage or affect the pregnancy?

Common antibiotics like amoxicillin, erythromycin, and penicillin are safe to treat UTIs without any side effects. But studies proposed that antibiotics such as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, nitrofurantoin, and trimethoprim can cause birth defects. However, doctors would not refer to these antibiotics if you are pregnant and treat them with harmless and safe antibiotics.

Home Remedies and Tips to Prevent UTIs

Changing your lifestyle habits can develop a good hygiene body and strengthen your immune system to fight against bacteria and infections. The given below remedies and tips prevent UTIs as well as the yeast formations in the urinary tract. To maintain a healthy body,

Follow Cleanliness

Prevention is better than cure. So, staying clean can always prevent the bacteria from sticking to your body for a long time. Practicing cleanliness is important for everyone, especially women. Never hesitate to wipe or clean your lower part from front to back like a bowel movement.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water excretes additional wastes, bacteria, and cleans your urinary tract. It also helps in regulating the urinary tract. It is recommended to drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day.

Urination Habits

Urine fluids have microbes, bacteria, sugar, and hormones that play a major role in causing infections in the urinary tract. Your urine is a waste that your body wants to excrete from your body. So, holding back urine is a bad habit that can cause severe infections and stress to your bladder.

The best urination habit to be followed are,

  1. Wipe/clean your vagina after urination
  2. Do not hold back urine for a long time
  3. Always urinate completely and avoid partial urination
  4. Drink plenty of water after urination

Sexual Habits

Although UTIs are not associated with STDs, the bacteria can always be communicable through partners or devices used during sex. So, practice these steps to avoid exchanging the bacteria,

  1. Try to urinate after you had sex
  2. Wash your genitals before sex
  3. Do not douche as it removes the vaginal liquid that prevents bacteria
  4. Use water-based Lubricants
  5. Avoid Spermicide

Food Habits

Having a balanced diet balances hormones in your body and builds the immune system. Apart from that, avoid taking foods that irritate your bladder and stay away from liquor, or alcohols that are harmful to your kidney. Avoiding citrus fruits, spicy foods, and caffeinated drinks helps your urinary tract to stay healthier.

Birth Control Options

As mentioned before, the usage of spermicides can cause infections to your urinary tract. In addition, the usage of the diaphragm as birth control can also cause irritation and infection.

Use Organic Pads

Synthetic Pads are harmful to your skin as they contain chemicals and fragrances that affect your skin causing bacterial development on your skin. So, usage of soft, comfortable, and organic cotton pads can prevent your skin to a greater extent. Do change your pads often to avoid the development of bacteria.

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As we know, Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common phenomenon among women and are easily treatable. So, analyze for the symptoms earlier and take medications before the infections spread, causing Chronic UTIs. Also, we want this information to be passed between fellow women and make them feel comfortable to seek medical advice.

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