Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Welcome to Velliherbals. This is a pre-registration agreement between Velliherbals and the customer to onboard the portal.

Velliherbals is an eCommerce Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) platform for B2C domestic transactions and overseas trading of SMEs globally.

By accepting the terms and conditions of this site, you agreed to T&C applied across all products of the Velliherbals Group.

1. Introduction
  • The User Agreement is between a member and Velliherbals.com. It exists to provide guidelines for use and procedures.
  • Velliherbals offers the user of service through websites, mobile sites, mobile applications, and other portals owned by Velliherbals including but not limited to: (a) the web and mobile-optimized versions of the websites identified by “www.Velliherbals.com” (b) the mobile applications of the Velliherbals.com e-commerce platform(collectively, the “Sites”).
  • As some or part of the Service may be supported and provided by affiliates of Velliherbals.com, Velliherbals.com may delegate some aspects of the Service to its affiliates who can directly communicate with you for purchases.
  • Customers using the service agree to these terms by default. If you do not agree to these terms, kindly refrain from using our services.
  • Velliherbals may make changes to this agreement at any time. Agreeing to the terms on this site once means you agreed to the same even after they are amended.
  • If there are terms prescribed by law that are not mentioned here, terms of the law apply wherever applicable.
  • Any conflict between these terms and the law, the context of the law is considered a priority.
2. Formation of use Agreement
  • Members can access the services provided by the Velliherbal Groups only by selecting “Agree” to the terms and conditions.
  • Any act by the member or others using the member’s account will be considered as acts performed on agreeing to the terms of use of these services.
  • Clicking “I Agree” in the registration process, you agreed to the terms and conditions of Velliherbal policies and are bound by them including the privacy policy, product listing agreement, site membership agreement, and conditions, etc.
  • The Velliherbals membership agreement will not be applied until your account has been activated. 
3. The Service
  • Services provided can be terminated or suspended (for scheduled or unscheduled maintenance) until which the core functions of the service will continue.
  • You will be notified in case of any suspension or termination of services.
Key functions of the Velliherbals services are:
  • Profile of the seller: Velliherbals allows members to display, edit basic business information, product function and description, and other relevant transaction information display and edit descriptions, specifications, and images of at least 5 images.
  • Product trade information like selling or purchasing products, inquiry, payment, and shipping information.
  • Velliherbals allows sellers to post products and services for selling unlimited times and reserve the right to terminate or suspend the postings at its discretion.
  • Velliherbals reserves the right to change, suspend, terminate, add or remove functionalities, services, features of the site at any time at its discretion.
  • Members of Velliherbals may not be able to use part or all services of the site.
  • Velliherbals does not hold responsibility for damage to third parties dues to service interruption, change, or inability to use the same.
  • Velliherbals may use advertisements. Members can choose to participate or opt-out of the promotional activities at their discretion. 
4. Membership
  • Members shall provide true and clear information and update them regularly.
  • Velliherbals does not take responsibility for liabilities due to improper information furnishing.
  • Members shall be aware that personal information which is voluntarily disclosed is subject to liability.
  • Members are obliged to act as:
    • Follow applicable law and regulation
    • Cannot provide information about Velliherbals to third parties without approval.
    • Cannot violate the Non-disclosure agreement with Velliherbals.
    • Cannot infringe trust, reputation, right and interest of Velliherbals.
    • Velliherbals can terminate or limit the use of members in violation of these terms at any time without a hold on liabilities to said restrictions.
  • Members are responsible to provide truthful information regarding the services they provide. Members are responsible for the content and opinions they create on the site independent of Velliherbals and are liable for the same.
  • Members can seek legal enforcement on finding anything inappropriate in the terms of this agreement. All actions taken by the member thereof are of their own expense and are responsible for all liabilities. 
5. Limitation of Liability
  • Velliherbals.com shall not be liable for any unrealized profit or loss from the use of the service.
  • Velliherbals.com reserves the right to exercise exclusive defense and control over all issues for which the members must compensate at their own cost. In this case, the member shall work with Velliherbals.com to claim possible defenses.
  • Velliherbals is not responsible for any warranty or representation of third-party products on the site.
  • Velliherbals.com cannot be held liable for any delay or failure or disruption of the Service resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, Internet failures, computer, telecommunications or any other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, flood, storms, explosions, Acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals or non-performance of third parties.
6. Transaction
  • Velliherbals.com only provides the online marketplace for transactions of inter-member(user) and does not act as an agent for the sale or purchase of goods. Velliherbals.com does not represent the parties as trading partners for a particular transaction, so there is no responsibility on or control of the ability of the seller to complete the sale or for the buyer to complete the purchase.
  • Members shall be aware of the risk of fraudulent behavior by some users on the website.
  • Velliherbals.com will make efforts to respond/remove fraudulent users from the site.
  • Members are encouraged to evaluate users before making any transactions.
  • Each Member shall be fully aware of the dangers of the purchase and sale transaction such as misrepresentation of products and services, fraudulent plans, unsatisfactory quality, poor specifications, defective products, Delivery and payment issues, warranty breach, or wrong calculations.
  • Velliherbals.com shall not be liable for any damage, loss, or pay the expense due to the risk of any transactions.
  • Velliherbals.com provides all information and materials reasonably requested in connection with transactions via this website.
  • Velliherbals.com reserves the right to suspend the provision of certain services or terminate the contract if the member fails to provide the required information.
  • Payment methods available on the Velliherbals.com Sites may be provided by Velliherbals partners.
  • If there is any chargeback or reversal of any payment requested by a payment service partner, Seller agrees that Velliherbals.com may refund the money requested by the payment service partner without liability to Seller.
  • Velliherbals.com will use reasonable efforts to assist you in participating in the dispute resolution process of the relevant payment service partners and any additional fee shall be borne by the seller only.
  • Members are responsible for disputes over transactions, delivery of goods, cancellation of orders, defects, or return of goods.
  • When conflicts arise between the members and buyers, Velliherbals will not intervene in the dispute and the members have all responsibilities arising from the result of the disputes.
7. Posting Information (Content)
  • Members may not post items that are illegal or prohibited by law. Velliherbals does not hold the responsibility for such postings and will waive off the right to be persecuted for the same under the law.
  • All legal liabilities for illegal postings shall be borne by the member alone.
  • The company connected to Velliherbals.com runs independently, and transactions with the company are not held liable on Velliherbals.com.
  • Velliherbals.com may control (move, modify, or delete) the content put up by the members when it is deemed to be harmful or potentially harmful to others. Velliherbals.com has the authorization of non-exclusive use for postings on this Website
  • Velliherbals.com reserves the right to use the posts posted by members to the extent that they do not infringe on the rights of the members in order to provide or share with partners at Velliherbals.com, to promote the website, or to operate the website.

Velliherbals.com may delete or prohibit postings permanently or temporarily if it falls within any of the following categories.

    • Post that has negative effects on slander, personal rights, information, credit, or interests.
    • Items that encourage illegal activities (e.g. lock pick tools, synthetic urine for cheating drug tests) and postings that contains legal, obscene, or harmful material.
    • Products that derogate race, religion, ethnicity, or instigate hate, violence, race, or religious disputes.
    • A posting that is not consistent with the operational purpose of the website.
    • Giveaways, lotteries, raffles, or contests.
    • Stocks, bonds, investment interests, and other securities.
    • Items that are sexual or pornographic in nature.
    • Items that do not offer a physical product or service for sales, such as digital currencies and advertisements solely for the purpose of collecting user information.
    • Posting that can affect the website operations.
    • Posting that violates the regulations, policies, or relevant statutes of Small and Medium Enterprises.
    • Velliherbals.com may take necessary measures, including warning letters, blocking the posting of the member concerned, and recording the fraudulent activity, in order to prevent the posting from violating its Use Agreement.
  • Any posting put up by Velliherbals.com is intended to provide information and is not business advisory or legal posting.
  • Velliherbals.com has an obligation to ensure that the services described in these Terms of Use are provided consistently and stably.
    • The information provided by Velliherbals.com can be obtained to the extent that no damage (damage to the system, loss of data, personal information violation, etc.) occurs to this website or its members.
    • Members will be held responsible for any damage to the website incurred while data collection.
    • Velliherbals.com shall not be liable for any temporary or permanent failure to provide services, such as malfunctioning, disconnected, or are temporarily or permanently unavailable. However, if a forenotice is available, Velliherbals.com will notify the member of the information.
    • Velliherbals.com is not responsible for any website interruption by the users of the website or Internet users.
    • Velliherbals.com does not provide member information to third parties, except in the following categories
      • In case that there is a claim under the relevant statute, criminal investigation, or equivalent reason.
      • When required for evaluation of service or paying, etc.
      • When required for academic, statistical, etc. (excluding personally identifiable information)
  • Velliherbals.com will not be held responsible if the third party obtains the exposed information at this website independently in a reasonable and legitimate way.
8. Intellectual Property Right
  • Velliherbals.com is the only licensed owner of all the rights to the Service.
  • Velliherbals claims the right for trade secrets and intellectual rights of properties protected by international law.
  • All title, ownership, and intellectual property rights lie with Velliherbal Groups.
  • All rights not claimed under this agreement are reserved by Velliherbals.
  • Small and Medium Enterprises owns the services and functions provided by Velliherbals.com.
  • “Velliherbals”, “Velliherbals.com”, and related icons and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks or service marks of Velliherbals.com Limited in various jurisdictions and are protected under applicable copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights laws and unauthorized duplication, changes, use, and publication of these marks are prohibited.
  • Velliherbals.com prohibits unauthorized use of the services, functions, and information provided through this website without way described in Terms of Use or without any separate agreement with Velliherbals.com.
  • Members must not infringe thief-party intellectual properties and use them without approval from the owner or approved person.
  • Velliherbals may suspend postings and content of the third party on violation of intellectual property rights until members disprove the breach.
  • Velliherbals shall not hold liability for any damages to the third party due to members actions and if incurred, members shall compensate Velliherbals for the same.
  • Terms of use mentioned here are separate from terms mentioned for members and exist for representation and reference only.
  • Provisions not valid or cannot be implemented in the terms of use may be removed.
  • Anything not described in these Terms of Use or raised objections to its interpretation must be resolved after discussion with Velliherbals.com and the members.
  • Only Velliherbals has the right to assign this Agreement (including all of its rights, titles, benefits, interests, and obligations and duties in this Agreement) to any person or entity (including any affiliates of Velliherbals.com).
  • English version of this agreement is prioritized over other language versions.
  • The disputes arising between Velliherbals.com and its members regarding the use of services on this Website and these Terms of Use shall be disciplined according to the laws of SINGAPORE and INDIA. All lawsuits arising in relation to this dispute are filed exclusively in the courts of SINGAPORE and INDIA

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